
Meliade is an illustrated book encapsuling an engaging, dark scifi narrative. The story explores concepts of motherhood, psychology, trauma, nightmares, love and surreal horrors. It is the first of an ongoing series, currently in development. The aim of this project is to both provide the reader with an engaging story, and create a printed item worthy of being displayed on your bookshelf.

"They call it EV-A, or Eve: A newly discovered energy source, a new light.
When horrific side-effects threaten the life of a young boy in her care, Avryll Rétierre is forced to reach back into her dark past and reconnect with her mother, Madeline Rétierre, who pioneered emergent technologies through the use of Eve. Among the white spires and winding streets of Alexandria, Avryll discovers buried secrets of her past, her emotions and the horrors of a world hidden from the light.”

The book is available on Amazon as Ebook, Paperback and Hardback. Only printed, physical copies contain illustrations and design elements:


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