Frostmourne (Legendary Weapons)





“Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit.”

Welcome to the Legendary Weapons series!
I wanted to start my new series with one of my favourite weapons in Warcraft (though by no means, the only one), the Runeblade known as Frostmourne, famously wielded by Arthas Menethil, the Lich King. Frostmourne has the power to shatter and devour the souls of its victims. The sword itself created the Lich King in some way, ending the storyline of Arthas and completing his transformation into the king of the undead Scourge. This sword is almost as famous as the character himself and is, alongside the Ashbringer, one of the most popular weapons among Warcraft fans. And I'm one of them! I love the design of this blade, the skull and details on the metal. It's iconic while remaining simple enough.

December 15, 2023